The world is too poor to buy a new car


New member
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Such is the ordeal of the times we live in. Add the statistics of the rich v/s the poor in population indices and you have yourself the dreadful answer of the poor winning the race as the majority. This brings us to the fact that in a place like Kenya, a new car is out of the question. The only option left is buying a used car in Mombasa. Come to think of it, a used car is something that lets even the poor have a taste of the elite fun. It gets rid of the unfair initial price that is a product of artificial hype and advertising. Isn't that awesome? 122
Today everyone wants to own a car as it has become one of the basic necessities of life but buying a car requires a lot of money. That’s why used cars for sale are becoming more popular in the Kenyan communities. It is the best way to have your car to fulfill your needs.